Aerial Fire Fighters: He or she observes forest fires from the air, directs fire fighters on ground by radio, and dumps water or chemicals on fires.
Aerial Photographer: This person takes photographs events, landscapes, or scenery from the air.
Aerial Prospector: He or she uses airborne electronic instruments to locate and map mineral deposit areas.
Aerial Sight-seeing Pilot/Guide: This person conducts sight-seeing tours in aircraft.
Air Taxi Pilot: This pilot provides air taxi service for the public.
Crop Duster: This pilot is responsible for spraying, dusting, fertilizing, or seeding crops or orchards.
Flight Doctor/Nurse: This person attends to sick or injured military personnel in flight.
Paramedic: It is this person's job to parachute to give medical air and to rescue injured or lost persons in rough country.
Search and Rescue:
Skywriter/Sign Dragger: This person pilots skywriting aircraft releasing chemicals to create words in the sky or drags an advertising banner behind their aircraft.
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