Air Cargo Pilot: This pilot transports airfreight from one airport to another.
Airline Captain: This pilot is responsible for the safety of the passengers and cargo. He or she makes flight plans with the dispatcher and meteorologist, makes preflight checks of the aircraft, operates the controls, and supervises the crew.
Check pilot: This pilot observes other pilots' proficiency on check flights and trains new pilots.
Co-pilot: The co-pilot assists the pilot in the operation of the flight controls , watches the instruments and weather, handles radio communications, and keeps logs.
Corporate Pilot: The corporate pilot flies aircraft owned by business or industrial firms transporting company executives on flight to branch plants or business meetings.
Flight Engineer: The flight engineer monitors the in- flight operation of the engines and aircraft's mechanical and electrical systems.
Flight Instructor: This pilot teaches student pilots how to fly. They demonstrate and explain, on the ground and in the air, basic principles of flight, aerial navigation, weather factors, and Federal Aviation Regulations.
Helicopter Pilot: These pilots can make flights to otherwise inaccessible areas.
Pipeline Patrol Pilot: This pilot inspects oil pipelines from low-flying planes.
Navigator: The navigator plots the course, reports positions, and estimates arrival time.
Aerial Sight-seeing Pilot/Guide: This person conducts sight-seeing tours in aircraft.
Air Taxi Pilot: This pilot provides air taxi service for the public.
Crop Duster: This pilot is responsible for spraying, dusting, fertilizing, or seeding crops or orchards.
Flight Attendant: He or she checks passengers' names and destinations, enforces safety rules, serves food, oversees passengers' comfort, and directs evacuation procedures in the case of an emergency. A high school diploma is required but applicants with several years of college or experience in dealing with the public are preferred.
Flight Simulator Instructor: This person trains pilots and checks their skills, using a flight simulator. Usually has pilot experience.
Loadmaster: He or she supervises proper tie-down procedures of cargo and calculates weight distribution of the load.
Skywriter/Sign Dragger: This person pilots skywriting aircraft releasing chemicals to create words in the sky or drags an advertising banner behind their aircraft.
Stunt Pilot: Stunt pilots perform aerobatic maneuvers usually for the entertainment of observers on the ground.
Traffic Control Pilot:Pilots the planes that fly around the cities so that reporters can monitor the traffic and report trouble spots to the TV and radio stations.
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