These first jobs usually require a college degree:
Airport Designer: It is this person's job to plan and design airport facilities.
Air Traffic Controller: While manning the airport control tower, the air traffic controller directs all flight activities, give advise and information by radio to pilots, and monitors planes in and around the airport.
Airways Engineer: The airways engineer plans electronic navigational aids, such as radar, instrument landing systems, and airport approach lighting.
Fixed Base Operator: This is a retail firm that manages services (aircraft refueling, airframe, engine, and/or instrument repair, flight training, ground school, rentals and charter flights) and sells general aviation products at an airport. The requirements to become an FBO are not clearly defined. A pilot's license is not essential but would be useful as would training in business administration.
Flight Dispatcher: The flight dispatcher works the with the pilot planning flight requirements (fuel consumption, altitudes, traffic flow, weather, winds aloft) authorizes take-offs or cancels flights, and advises pilots in the air on weather or route changes. They frequently work under pressure in a noisy, busy atmosphere surrounded by other airport workers, teletype machines, telephones, and intercom systems. They use computers, calculators, weather charts, and loading reports, sometimes also doing the job of a meteorologist or schedule coordinator. Experience as a flight dispatcher could lead to promotions to air traffic controller or airport manager. The job requires a college degree with a major in air transportation or meteorology.
Meteorologist: He or she analyzes weather data and makes weather reports to the pilot and dispatcher and then works with the flight dispatcher preparing flight plans. A college degree with a major in meteorology is required for the job.
Barbara Snyder - Air Force Meteorologist
These positions generally don't require a college degree: Air Cargo Agent: It is this person's job to supervise the cargo terminal, record air freight shipments, and arrange for deliveries. A high school graduate with experience in shipping is preferred for the job. Physical strength is required.
Air Cargo Forwarder: It is his/her job to deliver airfreight to and from airlines.
Airline Station Manager: The station manager is in charge of all ground and flight operations for his/her airline. These responsibilities could include aircraft handling, passenger services, air cargo operations, ticket sales, making public announcements, checking baggage, or operating computer terminals depending upon the size of the airline or airport. This position requires a high school diploma.
Ground Radio Operator: This person operates airline station radio equipment.
Operations Agent: The operations agent oversees the loading and unloading of the airplane and checks the distribution of the aircraft load and fuel.
Baggage/ Air Cargo Handler: He or she loads and unloads cargo and baggage, drives baggage tractors, and operates conveyors, forklifts, and other air freight handling equipment. A high school diploma is normally required and the minimum age is usually 18 to 20 depending upon the airline.
Security: The security person is responsible for the safety of all people in and around the airport. He or she is authorized to x-ray carry-ons, search baggage, enforce airport regulations, and patrol the grounds.
Food Service: Food service employees prepare food for airline travelers and are also responsible for cleanup of dishes and utensils. High school graduation is desired and health certificates are required.
Reservations Clerk: This clerk handles telephone inquiries about flight schedules and fares and makes flight reservations for airline passengers. They usually work in large central offices with access to telephones and computer terminals. Applicants must have graduated from high school and be at least 18 years of age. Airlines prefer those with training in airline operations or experience in public telephone contact work.
Ticket Agent: The ticket agent sells tickets, weighs and tags baggage, and answers questions on schedules and fares. The minimum age varies from 18 to 20 depending upon the airline. Graduation from high school is a minimum requirement, however, two years of college is preferred.
Travel Agent: The travel agent promotes airline travel, calls on customers, and arranges charter flights.
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