National Programme on Micro Air Vehicle (NPMICAV) is a joint initiative of Defence Research and Development Organization (DRDO) and Department of Science and Technology (DST). Objective of NPMICAV is to indigenously develop Micro Air Vehicle (MICAV) technologies at sub-system as well as system level. MICAVs are defined as small aerial vehicles (fixed, rotary or flapping wing) with their largest dimension not exceeding 300 mm. These vehicles are meant to address a large number of civilian and military applications including search and rescue, disaster management, traffic monitoring and management, remote sensing, terrain mapping, etc. NPMICAV announces a national level competition to be jointly organized by National Aerospace Laboratories ( CSIR-NAL) and Aeronautical Development Establishment (DRDO-ADE) to showcase the current status of MICAVs in India. This event will bring together national labs / industry / academia to demonstrate the capabilities developed by them.OBJECTIVE
Bring out the capability of vehicles and technologies being developed in the country for performing a defined mission using multiple MICAVs (Fixed Wing, Rotary Wing, Flapping Wing and combinations) and Unmanned Ground vehicles (UGVs).
Communication, Precise Navigation, Sensor Capabilities, Video Transmission, Multi Vehicle coordination, Cooperative flying, Vision based manual flying through windows.
COMPETITION DETAIL Competition will be held during April 2013 MICAVs which will fit into a 300mm sphere is allowed inside flyzone MINI Air Vehicles (MINAVs) > 300mm but not exceeding 2m wing span can fly in the zone but above 500m Above Ground Level (AGL) UGVs of size - Upto 2m can be used Points will be awarded for part completion of the mission Participating teams will be required to complete a mission in stipulated time. Mission is defined and details are available here
AWARDSWinner : Rs. 3 LakhRunner up : Rs. 2 LakhSecond Runner up : Rs. 1 Lakh Best Design : Rs 1 Lakh
Raghavendra Bhadrinath
Event Coordinator, MICAV-2013, Knowledge and Technology Management Division, National Aerospace Laboroatories, Kodihalli, Bangalore – 560017Phone – 080 – 2508 6149, Mobile – 0 94480 24616, email – rbi@nal.res.in
Dr. G Ramesh
Head, MAV Unit
National Aerospace Laboratories, Kodihalli, Bangalore – 560017Phone – 080 2505 1730, email - rameshg@nal.res.in
For more info click on the link http://www.nal.res.in/micav2013
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