How airplanes fly
- the basic principles of flight
The basic principles of why and how airplanes fly apply to all airplanes, from the Wright Brothers' first machine to a modern Stealth Bomber, and it's actually not difficult to understand how airplanes get, and stay, airborne.Aerodynamic forces
Essentially there are 4 aerodynamic forces that act on an airplane in flight; these are lift, drag, thrust and gravity (or weight).In simple terms, drag is the resistance of air (the backward force), thrust is the power of the airplane's engine (the forward force), lift is the upward force and gravity is the downward force. So for airplanes to fly, the thrust must be greater than the drag and the lift must be greater than the gravity (so as you can see, drag opposes thrust and lift opposes gravity).
This is certainly the case when an airplane takes off or climbs. However, when it is in straight and level flight the opposing forces of lift and gravity are balanced. During a descent, gravity exceeds lift and to slow an airplane drag has to overcome thrust.
The picture below shows how these 4 forces act on an airplane in flight:
The thrust is generated by the airplane's engine (propeller or jet), gravity is a natural force acting upon the airplane and drag comes from friction as the plane moves through air molecules. Drag is also a reaction to lift, and this lift must be generated by the airplane in flight. This is done by the wing of the airplane...
How wings generate lift
The generation of lift is a widely discussed and sometimes disputed theory, but there are some key factors that nobody argues. A cross section of a typical airplane wing will show the top surface to be more curved than the bottom surface. This shaped profile is called an 'airfoil' (or 'aerofoil').During flight air naturally flows over and beneath the wing. Any given 'parcel' of air gets split in two as it hits the leading edge of the wing, and both halves of that parcel actually meet up again at the same moment as they come off the trailing edge of the wing. So because the air moving over the top of the wing has more distance to cover (because of the curvature it is forced to follow) in the same amount of time as the air passing below the wing, it has to move faster.
If you're having trouble following that, look at the picture below showing a parcel of air hitting a wing. Arrows A and B is air getting split at the same moment, and meeting up again at the same moment.
One of the argued theories of lift generation is that some of the air that passes beneath the wing is deflected downwards. This causes an opposite upward force in accordance with Newton's 3rd Law of Action & Reaction that acts upon the underside of the wing, effectively pushing it upwards. It's widely agreed that this upward force also occurs because the air that comes over the top surface of the wing moves downwards as it flows off the trailing edge, hence forcing the upwards reaction.
Above, the movement of air over an airfoil
If you want to generate some lift yourself, try holding a sheet of paper in front of your face and blowing hard over its top surface. Your breath moves the air molecules above the sheet, thus reducing the pressure while the pressure below the sheet remains the same, and so becomes relatively higher pushing the paper upwards...
The faster a wing moves through the air, so the actions are exaggerated and more lift is generated.
However, a direct reaction to lift is drag and this too increases with airspeed. So airfoils need to be designed in a way that maximizes lift but minimizes drag, in order to be efficient.A crucial factor of lift generation is the Angle of Attack - this is the angle at which the wing sits in relation to the horizontal airflow over it. As the angle of attack increases, so more lift is generated - but only up to a point until the smooth airflow over the wing is broken up and so the generation of lift cannot be sustained. When this happens, the sudden loss of lift will result in the airplane entering into a stall, where the weight of the airplane cannot be supported any longer.
Airplane control surfaces
For an airplane to be controllable, control surfaces are necessary. The 4 main surfaces are ailerons, elevator, rudder and flaps as shown below:When the airplane is in forward flight, it will rotate around each axis when movement to any control surface is made by the pilot. The table below shows the appropriate actions...
Action: | Axis: | Controlled by: |
Roll | Longitudinal | Ailerons |
Pitch | Lateral | Elevators |
Yaw | Vertical | Rudder |
The following sections explain how each control surface effects the airplane...
This movement causes a slight decrease in lift on the wingtip with the upward moving aileron, while the opposite wingtip experiences a slight increase in lift. Because of this subtle change in lift, the airplane is forced to roll in the appropriate direction ie when the pilot moves the stick left, the left aileron will rise and the airplane will roll left in response to the change in lift on each wing.
The ailerons are controlled by a left/right movement of the control stick, or 'yoke'.
Moving the elevator up (pulling back on the yoke) will cause the airplane to pitch its nose up and climb, while moving them down (pushing forward on the yoke) will cause the airplane to pitch the nose down and dive. Elevators are linked directly to each other, so work in unison unlike ailerons.
The purpose of the flaps is to generate more lift at slower airspeed, which enables the airplane to fly at a greatly reduced speed with a lower risk of stalling. When extended further flaps also generate more drag which slows the airplane down much faster than just reducing throttle power.
Although the risk of stalling is always present, an airplane has to be flying very slowly to stall when flaps are in use at, for example, 10 degrees deflection.
So all these factors are why and how airplanes fly. Radio control model airplanes can of course be more simple - for example, just have rudder and elevator control or perhaps just rudder and motor control. But the same fundamental principles always apply to all airplanes, regardless of size, shape and design.
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